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Sunday 28 April 2013

The Millennials and Vocations

A sister, not in "my" order, told me last week that there is a problem in vocations about which I have never thought.

This good head of her order told me that the younger ones coming in do not last in novitiate because of a lack of stamina.

This point is very interesting. The sister told me that the Millennials lack the staying power or the ability to keep up with schedules.

Now, this is in England. It would be interesting if I could find out if the same is true in America.

Why would Millennials lack stamina? It is possible that their lifestyle is more sedentary. My generation did lots of physical labor: ironing, doing dishes, cleaning, cooking, shopping, taking care of younger siblings, walking to school, bicycling, etc.

I think the lack of doing chores may be one of the things which creates a lack of stamina.

Stamina may be learned when one does not get immediate results from activity.

Here is a link from a group on the Millennials and the work ethic. Here are two independent sources.

This present young generation do not have as much stress in some ways: they are surrounded by technology which does things easily and fast; they are not used to waiting for anything.