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Friday 22 February 2013

From Sext Today, Psalm 118 Perfection Series: Part 46, DoC: St. Bernard

I hold on to your decrees:
  let me not be disappointed.
I shall walk the path of your commandments,
  for you have set my heart free.

One reason why St. Bernard found such heights of purity of heart and perfection, was that his heart was free.

To have a free heart means that nothing stands between you and God.


Here he is in his own words from his sermons on the Canticle of Canticles:

Are you not raised above yourselves when you cleave to God and are made one Spirit with Him?
Sit solitary then, like the turtle dove. Have nothing to do with the throng, nothing in common with the multitude of men. O holy soul, even 'forget they people and thy father's house and the King shall greatly desire they beauty." Remain alone, and amongst all preserve thyself for Him alone Who has chosen thee from amongst all. Shun the public view; shun ever the members of thine own household; withdrawn from the company of friends and families, even from him who ministers to they necessities. Knowest thou not that thy Beloved is of a shy disposition, and will not lend thee His presence in the presence of others? Seek solitude, therefore, not the body, but the mind, and the spirit, solitude in intention and in devotion. For 'a Spirit before Thy face is Christ the Lord,' and what He requires of thee is not a physical but a spiritual isolation."

Laity, if you cannot find solitude at least one hour a day, you are too busy. Learn to pray on the tube, in the bus, on the train. Learn to be alone in the midst of others. It is possible, really, it is.

And, then you will hear God.  To be continued....................